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- The main object of the Trust shall be to proclaim the gospel of Christ through Teaching and preaching the word of God from the Holy Bible, especially preaching and teaching about Baptism given by the church of Christ, which is not mean by religious conversion and guide all people without differentiation by means color community country and religious to get eternal life.
- To Plant new congregations and branches in the name of “Sugavaazhvu Charitable Trust” by preaching the gospel of Christ. Lead follower to guide all people without differentiation by means color community country and religious to get eternal life through pamphlet, hangouts, books, tract.
- To build maintain, alter and run prayer halls, church building, worship centers, bible schools, Sunday schools, Youth leagues and women fellowship and so promote such other spiritual activities.
- To Teach and proclaim the gospel to the people with audio and visual aids. V. To print, publish, distributes pamphlets, magazines, booklets, tracts, calendars and other books freely or by sale on a non profitable basis.
- To establish, maintain, run, promote. Finance and to help in the setting up, maintain and running orphanages, homes for aged, destitute, physically and mentally handicapped and for the poor and down trodden.
- To establish, maintain, run, acquire, aid assist in the establishment, maintenance and running of schools, Colleges and generally all kinds of educational institutions to make people academically fit to a job and be self reliant.
- To establish, maintain, run, acquire, aid assist in the establishment, maintenance and running of Hospitals canteens and Homes to make people Healthy.
- To provide industrial training, computer training, setting up and run small scale and cottage industries for physically handicapped for rural development and upliftment of social, educationally and economically backward classes.
- To conduct medical camps, awareness programs against, HIV/AIDS, dowry system, female infanticide, untouchability, environmental pollution and other social evils and to acquire social awareness and over all development.
- To establish, maintain, run or support institution for youth welfare and HIV/AIDS patients.
- To carry on relief work among urban street, Children to educate, to rehabilitate. to prevent and eliminate child labor.
- To open, establish, promote, aid or help in the setting up and maintaining and running of hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity and running of hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare center. Balwadis, water tanks, sanitariums, hostels and other similar institutions for rendering and providing medical and environmental protection.
- To create awareness among the people to teach the importance of education, immunization and environmental protection.
- To Promote attitude/ideology about national integration and patriotism.
- To promote the welfare of hill tribal from their stagnate condition.
- To conduct adult education programs to eradicate illiteracy in the villages to acquire social awareness and over all development and providing training in handicrafts to create self-employment.
- To provide high quality education at very modest and reasonable rate/fees to the public in general and the economically backward people in particular.
- It is declared that the benefit of the Trust shall be open to all irrespective of Caste, Creed, Color, religion etc.
- To do all such things as may necessary for the furtherance of the above objects of the trust, but Shall not include activities for profit.